Here I left my own restriction to use only well known and world wide available parts... The microcontroller is a 8051 of the company STC in Peking which you can buy in China only. Why this?
- The performance of a 8051 is more than enough for our task
- the 8051 architecture is well supported by the open source sdcc C-compiler
- the chips can by programmed with a very cheap USB-to-TTL serial adapter (e.g. with PL2303 chip) and the wonderful program stcgal
- I was curious about how these Chinese processors work - I had no problems
- the processor is available in the PDIP40 housing - as it used to be... :o)
- the microcontroller should be easily available on ebay or AliExpress
- in opposite to modern, very complex ARM-processors 8051's are so simple: I had a lot of fun to program it (and I learned much to keep things simple...)
The tasks for the processor are:
- receive infrared signals from remote control (NEC protocol)
- interpret the commands from the rotary encoder
- control the digital potentiometer and the input selector
- feat the display with information
- generate the switch on/off commands for power supply and plop-noise protection
- store all information power-safe
The schematic doesn't contain any surprising parts. Digital outputs are typical for a 8051 which has weak pull-up's per default. I realized the output driver as high side parts to be always in a safe state (also during startup - this avoids an unexpected switching of the relays).
An Atmel 93C46 eeprom is used as non-volatile memory. The SPI-interface of this chip is old fashioned (not 8bit oriented) but the chip is produced by many manufacturers (Microchip/Atmel, On-Semi, ST, Fremont...) and so very common. As remote control I'm using one with 21 keys and a (NEC) UPD6122 compatible chip.
The whole KiCad-project (including Gerber-files) can be found here. Remark: it was made under Linux with KiCad-version 4.0.7 using this additional libaries. The bill of material (bom) as semicolon separated text file contains some comments about part dimensioning / quality.
The complete source code can be download here. Hint: I'm using fossil as software configuration management system. A compiled binary file can be found here.
To simplify the programming I added the switch SW1 which can interrupt the power supply of the microcontroller. Start stcgal with power off and actuate the switch when stcgal demands it (power cycle).
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Last update: December 20, 2019